Privacy Assessments

Rethinking and redesigning how software teams do Privacy Assessments in Privado


Privado is a data privacy tool for software teams that uses code-scan technology to analyze privacy issues in web apps. Assessments are how teams check their privacy health, generate a report, and submit it for compliance mandates.

Traditionally, this is done manually by Data Privacy Officers (DPOs), working with engineering teams to understand how data is handled in their companies. This process usually takes up to 6 months time to complete. With Privado, we wanted to leverage code-scan to automate this process and create an experience that is magnitudes of order faster.

My role involved leading the redesign and working with my manager.


Product, Design



2023 - 3 months



Improve the readability and usability of Assessments.


Enhance our UX to increase the completion rate.


Enable collaboration in Assessments to engage engineering teams.


Allow configurations for DPOs and admins.

Heuristic Evaluation

To begin, we took our existing Assessments product, which was simply a form template that DPOs could use to fill out their Privacy Assessments, and analyzed problems in usability and design:

With this evaluation, I identified many working points on what could be improved in the current design, from obvious improvements like text width reduction to a bit more vague issues like designing a better information architecture.

Structuring the information

I started exploring structures and layouts to address the three main problems: cognitive overload, readability, and statuses, taking feedback from my manager, CEO, and customer success team, iterating with each version to make it better.

iterate, iterate, iterate…

Once we had a good idea of the trade-offs of different layouts, we finalized one, refining it further. With the new layout, we improved the readability and comprehension of the assessment.

We provided better structure with sections that inform them about the types of questions beingasked in it and an Info Bar that collates all the information about assessments and presents it in a neatly organized view.

Improving the product experience

After having a solid structure in place, we looked at user feedback and the problems usually encountered by our customer success teams when helping our customers to fill out assessments.

Going beyond a form that they fill, we wanted to give our users better tools to help them complete the assessment. We took each problem and explored ideas:

How might we nudge them to complete the Assessments?

Help users better understand the parts that they need to fill in.

Centralize discussions in the privacy team to reduce information fragmentation.

Allow them to focus better while filling out Assessments.

Help them understand the various states of the assessment.

Give admins a complex set of tools to customize Assessments with ease.

A progress widget where users can get all the information they need: total questions, filters, and completed questions.

Progress widget

A progress widget where users can get all the information they need: total questions, filters, and completed questions.

Progress widget

A progress widget where users can get all the information they need: total questions, filters, and completed questions.

Progress widget

Collapse sections that you don't have to answer. Focus one the ones you do.

Collapsible section

Collapse sections that you don't have to answer. Focus one the ones you do.

Collapsible section

Collapse sections that you don't have to answer. Focus one the ones you do.

Collapsible section

Flag questions that are incorrect or inapplicable.

Question Flags

Flag questions that are incorrect or inapplicable.

Question Flags

Flag questions that are incorrect or inapplicable.

Question Flags

Start a discussion with your teammates right inside Privado.


Start a discussion with your teammates right inside Privado.


Start a discussion with your teammates right inside Privado.


Move quickly between long sections. There's no stopping you.

Quick Scroll

Move quickly between long sections. There's no stopping you.

Quick Scroll

Move quickly between long sections. There's no stopping you.

Quick Scroll

Assign questions or sections to the right people in your team.


Assign questions or sections to the right people in your team.


Assign questions or sections to the right people in your team.


Focus on the right questions, whether they are unanswered, mandatory, or assigned to you.


Focus on the right questions, whether they are unanswered, mandatory, or assigned to you.


Focus on the right questions, whether they are unanswered, mandatory, or assigned to you.


Privado nudges users when they try to submit without answering all mandatory questions.

Mandatory Questions

Privado nudges users when they try to submit without answering all mandatory questions.

Mandatory Questions

Privado nudges users when they try to submit without answering all mandatory questions.

Mandatory Questions

All the information our users need, neatly arranged in one single place.

Info Bar

All the information our users need, neatly arranged in one single place.

Info Bar

All the information our users need, neatly arranged in one single place.

Info Bar


We shared a Figma prototype with stakeholders, gathering their thoughts and opinions on our redesign, and it was mostly received with positive comments. Feel free to play and explore the prototype for yourself.

Post-development, we have seen an incredible increase in the number of assessments started and the rate at which they are completed.


The importance of an iterative design process.

Sweating the details and refining every corner is the only way to achieve quality.

How powerful prototyping can be for building your ideas and testing them with stakeholders.

This project would not have been possible without

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This is v3, made with Framer

I am open to new projects, collaborations and non-profit work.

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For what I am upto right now, what am I reading and other shenanigans check out my about page

Also, you can check out my cv is my internet home and a repository of my works, experiments in product & interfaces.

I also love coffee, so buy me one here

This is v3, made with Framer

I am open to new projects, collaborations and non-profit work.

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For what I am upto right now, what am I reading and other shenanigans check out my about page

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