Thursday Websites


While building Thursday, we developed fun, engaging, and eye-catching activities called mixers. To grow our user base, we launched these on Product Hunt to generate leads and promote our brand. Each launch required a dedicated website.

To streamline the design and development process, we created a reusable website template for the Product Hunt launches.


Web Design




2022 - 1 month


Find previews and links to each website below:



Streamline our design and development process


Create a captivating brand and visual identity for our mixers

Each page would be similar yet have its own unique quirkiness which was based on the mixer activity itself.

Let's work together

Open to new projects, collaborations and non-profit work

Let's work together

Open to new projects, collaborations and non-profit work is my internet home and a repository of my works, experiments in product & interfaces.

I also love coffee, so buy me one here

This is v3, made with Framer

I am open to new projects, collaborations and non-profit work.

See some of the interesting things I have been designing at my work page

For what I am upto right now, what am I reading and other shenanigans check out my about page

Also, you can check out my cv is my internet home and a repository of my works, experiments in product & interfaces.

I also love coffee, so buy me one here

This is v3, made with Framer

I am open to new projects, collaborations and non-profit work.

See some of the interesting things I have been designing at my work page

For what I am upto right now, what am I reading and other shenanigans check out my about page

Also, you can check out my cv is my internet home and a repository of my works, experiments in product & interfaces.

I also love coffee, so buy me one here

This is v3, made with Framer

I am open to new projects, collaborations and non-profit work.

See some of the interesting things I have been designing at my work page

For what I am upto right now, what am I reading and other shenanigans check out my about page

Also, you can check out my cv