Building a brand from scratch

Thoughts on Branding

The Paradox of brand

As a designer, starting alone, you are excited about this brand you're gonna build for your client. You have ideas as to what could be possible. All the different directions you can take. All the places you can visit.

But a brand isn't built by you. It is built by the company, the people, the work they do and time. You can not work on branding a company for a couple of months and come up with a superficial concept of what that brand stands for. That is the paradox of branding, and building it from scratch.

To Brand or to rebrand?

Rebranding does not cause this paradox. You have a solid (or weak) foundation. Something to work on, build on top of. Rebranding always makes things better (hopefully) and easier for you as a designer (not always tho).

It is tough

Branding is not a piece of cake. I would suggest getting someone specialised in branding to do it for you or at least help you with it. If that is not possible... Keep it simple stupid. And you're good to go.

Give it time

Brands should evolve, with time. You do not and can not build one in a week. Don't go barging in. You're going to change it over time. None of the brands you know are the same they were when they started.

👋 until your next rebranding

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